This is a fascinating tidbit I think everyone should appreciate. Ronald “Dutch” Reagan was given an opportunity by Dr. BJ Palmer the developer of Chiropractic on one of his radio stations as a sports broadcaster. From there he rose to Hollywood and eventually President.

Fast forward, Robert Kennedy Jr was just confirmed as the new head of HHS (Health and Human Services). See the picture on the wall behind him? That portrait of Reagan was restored by President Trump after being removed by President Biden. What’s the “little known” significance? Well RFK has been a long time “friend” of Chiropractic and holistic healthcare as a whole. His first mandates just put in place include establishing a commission to test vaccines, find the cause of autism, and increase funding for holistic research. We soon expect ending “direct to consumer” drug advertising as well (no more TV drug ads!).
However, what we really want to see as Chiropractors is EQUITY in reimbursement. We now have the right guy in there who has the means to get Chiropractors paid for services we’re licensed to perform and fairly reimbursed by insurance at the same rates MDs are for the same codes. Just like BJ Palmer gave President Reagan the grounds for success, RFK has the opportunity to give the Chiropractic profession the leverage to be able to make a real and lasting difference on healthcare for everyone. I am always reluctant to be optimistic, but here’s to hoping for all of our sake.
Interesting historical fact that I’m sure neither President Trump knew when he hung that picture, or RFK standing in front of.
“Do you have a pediatrician you recommend?”
I have a variety of answers I usually offer to get the point across, but to be nice for sake of writing I just never really had use for one. All of my kids have seen an MD one time, ever, that was right after birth simply so we had them on record somewhere just in case nobody can claim we were “negligent” in keeping our kids from doctors or something crazy. You have to understand, there is even an audio on our website of a pediatrician admitting that the whole reason for pediatrician “wellness visits” is nothing more than opportunity to push vaccines. They know if they didn’t do those, “most” babies would never go to the doctor any more than you bring a new car to a mechanic “for the heck of it”. Sadly it’s after that a lot of kids start getting sick with all kinds of things which is great for the model. It’s like creating “forever customers”. My kids have never had anything major we couldn’t easily handle naturally, have never had a shot or drug of any kind, so the result is we’ve never “needed” a pediatrician. You can call it lucky, but I know an awful lot of people with the exact same experience for it to be mere chance.
While my advice might be seen as “self serving”, it’s actually quite rational. It’s the quintessential “try the most conservative first” approach. Start your kids here. Best case scenario we keep them healthy so they don’t “need” a doctor (of any kind). Worst case scenario, if there is something we just don’t know how to help we’ll tell you what specialist to go to which is what any pediatrician would do too. For things like ear infections, we can tell you when it likely is or isn’t, and actually adjust and give targeted non toxic options that work rather than prescribe antibiotics which everyone knows does absolutely nothing for viruses. Most of the time, it’s not actually an ear infection anyways, that’s just the easiest scapegoat to get kids in and out quick with a Rx in hand.
So if your kids aren’t currently under care, as a Chiropractor and father who has seen the results first hand professionally and personally for over 20 years it’s the easiest path of oversight of your kids health. Rather that’s occasionally, monthly, or weekly, get them started NOW so when you really need to bring them in you aren’t having to wait for that new patient appointment. You can just bring them in and that’s that. Watch what happens.
Shadowing Opportunities

We were recently featured in Baker High Schools “The Academies at Baker” Highlights email. Regarding student Kandace it was written “initially wanted to pursue a career in physical therapy; however, after spending the morning at Liberation Chiropractic, she discovered additional career opportunities.” We are proud of the fact that many Chiropractors have come out of our clinic over our 20+ year existence.
Need Chiropractic “Back” In Your Life?
How long has it been since your last Chiropractic adjustment? Think back to that time, what was your experience? Did you feel better, have less pain, have more energy, sleep better, think better, get sick less? It’s so easy to get off track and stay derailed until once again “disaster strikes”. It’s unfortunately quite rare that people come in “just because”. Most of the time even long term patients come back because the pain or another problem has finally gotten to the point it seems it’s not just going to go away on it’s own. Don’t put it off for a bad day when it might be too late. It’s not getting easier, it’s not getting quicker, it’s not getting cheaper. Call us or text us now 251-607-0040 and we’ll do everything we can to make it easy to get going again. Keep in mind if it’s been less than 3 years you are still considered an “active” patient so might not be required to start over with xrays and all. If nothing more, make it a point to reset the clock NOW so when you do need it in an emergency you don’t have to.
- Robert Kennedy Jr how head of HHS - March 20, 2025
- Deductibles Reset Jan 1st - December 5, 2024
- Slacking on Home Care? - July 15, 2024
- A Tale of Two Spines - June 26, 2024
- Never again pay for a “Discount Program” - April 18, 2024
- Ready for some change? - December 28, 2023
- Good health more affordable than ever - May 16, 2023
- How bad will 2023 get? - January 25, 2023
- WELCOME HOME! - September 12, 2022
- Superficial Determination - February 14, 2022