You’ve probably gotten, like I have, dozens of emails at this point even from companies that rarely ever send out emails regarding the “steps we are taking to protect you”. You’ve seen every large gathering of people from schools and stadiums, to kids soccer tournaments getting cancelled. What’s this all about? The answer is liability protection for the most part.
That said, of course we too like we always have take precautions to reduce risk of cross contamination and unnecessary exposure to our patients to even common colds and fevers. We’ve always practiced wiping down all surfaces contacted by a patient who comes expressing any symptoms of infection. Yet while you can and should take additional precautions to reduce unnecessary environmental exposures, it does not replace the fact that the most important factor is summed up in the following:
That principle should be engrained in your mind through all of this. Time after time we have seen these fear campaigns regarding viral pandemics and other “global threats”:
- 2002: West Nile Virus
- 2003: SARS
- 2005: Bird Flu was before my recording days as I started practice in 2004, but well remember advising patients to calm down that the panic was unjustified by the numbers
- 2006: E Coli
- 2008: The big market crash wasn’t a pandemic but the world still looked to be ending if you believed the news
- 2009: On Fox10 debating Swine Flu and here,, and workshop
- 2010: BP oil spill in the Gulf was actually a big deal for our area and I advised all patients to discontinue eating fish and especially bottom feeders (shrimp, shellfish, etc) from the gulf for at least a year or two
- 2014: On the Ebola “apocalypse”
- 2015: The Disney Measles “outbreak” kicked off a coordinated campaign to mandate vaccines against will. I discussed each presidential candidate at the time Republican and Democrat on their views
- 2016: Zika virus
- 2017: I took on the aggressive marketing behind the Flu shot
- 2019: Public debate with the Mobile County Health Department regarding Measles
- JUST POSTED 2020: Here we are with Coronavirus COVID-19 as we again look to repeat history
As you can see we are not without historical context to weigh the current campaign. If you’ve ever read the story “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” you’ll understand the balance in judgement we don’t see enough and the potential downside of turning off the public.
Of ALL the emails I have gotten, only one so far has really provided some balance. Not surprisingly it’s from my alma mater Logan University (College of Chiropractic). It states: “Public health agencies, including St. Louis County Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control, are not recommending school closures, and in fact the CDC maintains: “For the majority of people, the immediate risk of being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be low. There is not widespread circulation in most communities in the United States.â€
Nonetheless, President Trump who’s back is put against a political wall just declared a National State of Emergency. That said, it opens the flood gates for Federal funding to state and local governments, and within hours it was announced that schools across the entire state of Alabama will close (where only one case has been confirmed) for weeks to come to “prevent the spread”. It reminds me of the impending “ice storm” a few years back here in Mobile causing all the schools and businesses to close, where me from the north thought it was nuts as we once lived in it as part of life (in case you don’t remember, the next morning the roads were pretty much clear). It stuns me the economic damage and disruption that will absolutely occur despite the sense that when it’s over this will be not much worse than any of the past. If we continue the escalation with each new germ, where does this go?
So it’s time we get back to the above principle of Resistance > Influence. Let’s talk about the useful bits of information regarding building resistance.
- Keep in mind that the common flu kills over 600,000 people every year. Context is everything.
- As far back as a month ago the Washington Post was already reporting that “Most coronavirus cases are mild“.
- Just published in the journal Vaccine in January of this year reveals that receiving the Flu Vaccine may INCREASE the risk of other respiratory viruses (such as COVID-19) in a phenomenon known as virus interference. The point is, fighting germs makes the immune system stronger, while injecting toxic cocktails is a direct assault on it.
- When it comes to vaccines in general, the public is delivered the illusion that they’re “safe and effective” while their own experts admit in audience of each other they are not. Remember that when a COVID-19 vaccine is rushed to market without any testing.
- The Shanghai Government officially recommends Vitamin C therapy as first line treatment for COVID-19
- A medical team in China also report successful treatment of Coronavirus patients with high dose Vitamin C
- Liposomal Vitamin C has close to same bioavailability as Intravenous Vitamin C, and is much less expensive and easy to make
- The Missouri Attorney General’s Office announced suit against televangelist Jim Bakker for selling a fake cure in Silver Solution. While I would never claim “cure”, ironically I don’t know anyone anywhere that was using nebulized silver solution to help with respiratory infections including pneumonia before we were years and years ago. I can’t say I wouldn’t use this myself.
- Get adjusted. The immune system IS controlled like everything by the central nervous system.
- For additional steps here’s one of my favorite “thinkers” Dr. Jon Barron’s additional considerations
I will say the ONE good thing to come from all of this is, we have seen a massive health wake up call in light of it. Our phones have blown up in recent weeks with new patients and returning patients. Our web store sales have doubled as people are stocking up on immune boosting and viral busting supplies. Maybe, at least for a while, the general public will turn away from garbage fried foods, the pounds of sugar, and all the other dreadful things they regularly consume without conscious thought. Maybe the public is beginning to realize the media is only concerned with ratings and supporting the pharmaceutical giants who line their pockets with advertising. At the moment though it looks like a stunning polarization as wide as the political divide. Those who know, are doing what they need to not just protect but to BUILD themselves and their families, while the rest buy enough toilet paper for two years. So where are you?
- Slacking on Home Care? - July 15, 2024
- A Tale of Two Spines - June 26, 2024
- Never again pay for a “Discount Program” - April 18, 2024
- Ready for some change? - December 28, 2023
- Good health more affordable than ever - May 16, 2023
- How bad will 2023 get? - January 25, 2023
- WELCOME HOME! - September 12, 2022
- Superficial Determination - February 14, 2022
- UK announces END of COVID measures - January 20, 2022
- Analyzing Recent COVID Data - December 19, 2021