This is a fascinating tidbit I think everyone should appreciate. Ronald “Dutch” Reagan was given an opportunity by Dr. BJ Palmer the developer of Chiropractic on one of his radio stations as a sports broadcaster. From there he rose to Hollywood and eventually President. Fast forward, Robert Kennedy Jr was just confirmed as the new head of HHS (Health and … Read More
Deductibles Reset Jan 1st
As we hit December I always try to remember to send out a reminder that anyone who has BCBS and has already met their deductible for the year and has intended to get to the Chiropractor should do it NOW before deductibles reset January 1st. No matter if it’s been over 3 years since your last visit and will need … Read More
Slacking on Home Care?
The hardest part of being a “corrective” Chiropractor is the fact that so much of the actual corrective effort is out of our hands. Often do we get into consults and find that patients did well with home care for a while but then fell off. Easy to do when you “feel better”. So let’s review why this isn’t something … Read More
A Tale of Two Spines
As of this week, I’ve officially been in practice for 20 years. There certainly is a reason it’s called “practice” as there are lessons that only TIME can teach you. Recently I had one of those stark realities that I’d like to share with you here. I had a patient who just came back after almost 18 years. First I’m … Read More
Never again pay for a “Discount Program”
If you’ve been in recently you’re already aware, but for those who haven’t we’ve got great news to share. Moving forward you do NOT need to sign up for the $49 ChiroHealth USA program in order to get membership discount rates as we’ve moved to a new program called Patient Options DMCO to achieve the same purpose. Let me give … Read More
Ready for some change?
I hope, like me, you chuckled a bit when reading that question. I know the majority of people I talk to aren’t exactly “content” with where things are right now. All the outside influences at play are rightfully distressing. The economy, politics, special interests, wars and commentary, rampant corruption, it’s all in your face (and in your pocket) in dizzying … Read More
Good health more affordable than ever
Had a conversation this week with a patient about affordability of chiropractic care. She agreed that if chiropractic was covered as insurance covers medical care, every chiropractor would be so busy you’d never be able to get in. Did you know that for over 50 years Medicare has limited access to chiropractors while covering drugs that are no longer on … Read More
How bad will 2023 get?
It’s scary times. If you’ve been reading my emails the last few years, or watching our YouTube channel (if not, good luck finding it as Google “blacklisted” us so doesn’t populate in searches) you are well aware that things have played out almost exactly as we predicted they would. We’re seeing news now that COVID death numbers were purposely overinflated … Read More
It’s been a long….long…..loooooooong time coming but it’s finally happened. Since purchasing the property like 4-5 years ago, despite a pandemic and all that brought, despite countless hurdles, delays, etc we are finally moved into our new building located at 7681 Old Shell Road. And boy is it a GEM! I can’t wait to show everyone in person so hurry … Read More
Superficial Determination
I want to point out a stunning phenomenon that is a direct result of Western Medicine “Outside-In” mechanistic thinking. We’ll take three examples: A woman is told she requires a hysterectomy because she has a history of hormonal imbalance issues. She’s told that removing her female organs will end her problems as they’re no longer there to cause pain etc. … Read More