How bad will 2023 get?

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Nutrition, The 7 Homeostatic Essentials, Vaccination1209 Comments

It’s scary times. If you’ve been reading my emails the last few years, or watching our YouTube channel (if not, good luck finding it as Google “blacklisted” us so doesn’t populate in searches) you are well aware that things have played out almost exactly as we predicted they would. We’re seeing news now that COVID death numbers were purposely overinflated … Read More

When all else fails…Bribe.

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Vaccination23 Comments

My jaw hit the floor when I read “Ohio health officials report Covid-19 vaccinations jump almost 30% week-over-week after announcement of $1 MILLION vaccine lottery”. It’s actually one of FIVE $1 Million prizes. The article states “States are increasingly turning to lotteries as a way to try to get hesitant people vaccinated against the coronavirus and boost lagging numbers.” It … Read More

The vaccine didn’t end the pandemic.

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Vaccination14 Comments

Look at the chart above carefully paying attention to dates. From October to just beginning of December cases were increasing dramatically as does sickness in the winter (think sunlight…Vitamin D). Then the new cases began to level off through December. Then from January 8th through February cases have dropped from about 300,000 new cases per day steadily and rapidly down … Read More

“Orders of Magnitude Higher”

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter38 Comments

I urge everyone to go to and read the recent article titled “‘Orders of Magnitude Higher Deaths in the Vaccinated’: Israel’s Vaccine Data Reveals a Frightening Picture” I don’t want to regurgitate all so I’ll summarize the contents of the article with these few snippets: “We conclude that the Pfizer vaccines, for the elderly, killed during the 5-week vaccination … Read More

Vaccination is a Religion

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, VaccinationLeave a Comment

Surprising the term Vaxist is already listed in Urban Dictionary as “Someone who believes vaccines are good and believes the pro-disease people should quit getting their Google degrees to try and prove a point that has been debunked.”  I can’t argue with this definition, though I think it requires a great deal of expansion.   Let’s start with a foundational question. … Read More

Your Medical Freedom Is In Jeopardy Regardless of Your Stance

Dr. Michael BucknellChildren's Health, Liberation Newsletter, VaccinationLeave a Comment

Surely you have seen Measles all over the news as if it’s the worst health disaster to strike in decades. Headlines like “Child Defies Parents Getting Immunized”. Let’s first quickly review a few important facts: According the CDC, there have been 206 cases reported in 2019 We have the technology to test and identify if Measles is wild virus … Read More