Far from over…

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Vaccination80 Comments

One thing I’m sure you’re aware of is that those who hunger for power and control are not satisfied until they have it. So where does this all go from here?

You may have already seen the “shift” in rhetoric over the last week. “News” articles are replicating left and right with the same idea that the non-vaccinated are susceptible to the new delta variant. First of all, this is ridiculous scientifically. Any so called variant is likely to have less than 1% change in it’s makeup. The way immunity works, when you’re exposed to a virus your immune system chops up any virus into fragments then looks at all the pieces. If say 50% or more of those fragments match what it’s seen before, it knows what to do to mount a sufficient response. So slight variations aren’t any more deadly unless you’ve never been exposed at all. Could it give you some symptoms like the yearly flu variants do, yeah sure, but will it kill you when you’ve already been exposed to it before, unlikely. So here’s what you can pretty much guarantee at this point in time:

  1. Over the last year whether you’ve “gotten sick” or not, you’ve surely been exposed (no matter face masks or not) somewhere sometime. YES you can be exposed and create immunity without ever knowing it, that’s how awesome your immune system is.
  2. Any so called variant that now comes along, you already have the pattern for. If you’ve weathered the first, high probability is you’ll be fine.
  3. The vaccine isn’t guaranteed protection anyways considering cases are now reporting daily on “Covid confirmed after vaccinated”. One such example is out of Israel, one of the most vaccinated of all nations, where they’re finding HALF of new cases are in previously vaccinated individuals. So why risk the side effects or even death if it’s not a guarantee?

So why then? You can probably finish the script yourself but I’ll fill you in. There is at least 30-40% of the population now especially those under 30 who will NOT get the vaccine by choice and they know it. And rightfully so considering the mounting 5000+ deaths and now myocarditis due directly to the vaccine. This is bad bad news for Big Pharma as it shows younger generations are moving away. Meanwhile Big Pharma is moving away from drugs towards vaccines because they hold zero liability. So seeing your future customers moving away from where you’re going is bad news. How do you resolve this?

When asking fails you have to persuade more sternly, so they’ll first scare who they can. Problem is the actual pandemic is over with deaths down near 200 a day in the whole country (yeah that’s 4 per state average…puts in perspective huh), and the charts show no signs of resurgence despite all their rhetoric in fact are still trending down even below spring of 2020 numbers. When that fails they know they’ll need mandates if they’re going to win. As you’re seeing right now, they’re starting to threaten reimposing mask mandates as if we didn’t learn a dang thing (masks are pointless for healthy people to have to wear) from the last year. The play would be that the majority of people are willing to enforce mandates as not to have to mask up indefinitely again. So if they can create a few stories about the unvaccinated being spreaders maybe they can make it happen. Of course this is ridiculous because IF THE VACCINE WORKED THEN THE VACCINATED HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. This is the same line of thought we’ve joked about for decades yet the line never gets old. When it’s all they have, it’s what they go with. 


Do you have friends or family who have shown interest in Chiropractic care? This is a fantastic opportunity for you to have a Ladies Night, Double Date, etc while also allowing them the opportunity to ask questions and maybe make an “adjustment” to their lifestyles!

Tuesday Night July 6th @ 6:30PM

We’ll cover your bar drinks, beer, wine, coffee, tea, etc up to two per person. The Liberation Doctors will hang out casually, meet everyone and answer questions, then leave you and your friends to enjoy the evening until we close late at 8:00PM.


so we have a head count as their is a limit to number of guests. So call your friends early now and let us know soon as you can.


There was a problem with the anchor bolts as the metal building company plans were “off”. So this problem has been resolved and steel should resume going up this week. Little delay but should be back on track. Once the building is erected should be smoother sailing from there.

About Dr. Michael Bucknell

Doctor Bucknell is a licensed and board certified Doctor of Chiropractic, well-known wellness expert on radio and TV, accomplished author, patent-holding inventor, and entrepreneur. He is extension faculty of Life University, served as the USA Judo, Wrestling, and Weightlifting team's Wellness Advisor and Team Doctor, and NBC Local 15 Gulf Coast's correspondent at the 2012 London Olympics.