Analyzing Recent COVID Data

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Vaccination49 Comments

According to data from Johns Hopkins University freely available online, roughly 75% of deaths in the United States occurred in patients 65 years or older. Now you might say, oh well that’s not that surprising because the elderly are the most vulnerable. However when taken with previously found data that about HALF of all COVID deaths have been in nursing … Read More

Who’s “misinformation”?

Dr. Michael BucknellMedicine, Vaccination24 Comments

The desperation is getting more fierce as the degree of public mistrust and lack of “compliance” gets clearer and clearer. From July 4th when Biden originally set the 70% vaccinated target, to July 26th over half a month later, the percentage has barely moved up just 0.9% to just 55.8% of the population getting even the first shot (only 49.1% … Read More

Must be nice…

Dr. Michael BucknellChiropractic, Liberation Newsletter, Vaccination36 Comments

One thing I’m sure you’re aware of is that those who hunger for power and control are not satisfied until they have it. So where does this all go from here? You may have already seen the “shift” in rhetoric over the last few weeks. “News” articles are replicating left and right with the same idea that the non-vaccinated are … Read More

When all else fails…Bribe.

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Vaccination23 Comments

My jaw hit the floor when I read “Ohio health officials report Covid-19 vaccinations jump almost 30% week-over-week after announcement of $1 MILLION vaccine lottery”. It’s actually one of FIVE $1 Million prizes. The article states “States are increasingly turning to lotteries as a way to try to get hesitant people vaccinated against the coronavirus and boost lagging numbers.” It … Read More

Vaccination is a Religion

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, VaccinationLeave a Comment

Surprising the term Vaxist is already listed in Urban Dictionary as “Someone who believes vaccines are good and believes the pro-disease people should quit getting their Google degrees to try and prove a point that has been debunked.”  I can’t argue with this definition, though I think it requires a great deal of expansion.   Let’s start with a foundational question. … Read More

Battle of the Bulge

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Medicine, VaccinationLeave a Comment

Battle of the Bulge You see it everywhere today, round pendulous abdomens protruding as if pregnant.  Have you wondered why?  You’ll be surprised to find out that there are greases, oils, and fats on most peoples plates every day the human body simply can not digest.  The research is clear, the #1 predictor of a future heart attack or stroke … Read More

Raising Healthy Kids from Conception : Part 2 – Vaccination

Dr. Michael BucknellDetoxification, Physical, Vaccination1 Comment

The Holistic Parents Guide to Raising Kids in the 21st Century This post is a supplement to the workshop published on May 23, 2014 by Dr. Mike Bucknell and can be found on his YouTube channel at Due to the quantity of information it has been separated into three parts.   Raising Healthy Kids from Conception : Part 1 – Chiropractic, nutrition, … Read More

Bought – Suggested Video on Vaccination

Dr. Michael BucknellVaccinationLeave a Comment

The hidden story about vaccines, autism, drugs and food… Americas health has been BOUGHT. Your health, your family’s health. Now brought to you by Wall Street… “If you thought they hurt us with the banks, wait till you see what they’re doing to health care.” Vaccines. GMOs. Big Pharma. Three big, BIG, okay… HUGE topics in one film. Why? Why … Read More