How bad will 2023 get?

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Nutrition, The 7 Homeostatic Essentials, Vaccination1384 Comments

It’s scary times. If you’ve been reading my emails the last few years, or watching our YouTube channel (if not, good luck finding it as Google “blacklisted” us so doesn’t populate in searches) you are well aware that things have played out almost exactly as we predicted they would. We’re seeing news now that COVID death numbers were purposely overinflated … Read More

UK announces END of COVID measures

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Vaccination83 Comments

Whirlwind of news coming around if you haven’t been keeping up. Biden’s vaccine mandate affecting MILLIONS of Americans, requiring businesses to force employees to get vaccinated or be fired FAILED in the Supreme Court by a vote of 6-3. LINK Starbucks announced they are scrapping all requirements on employees to be vaccinated. LINK Mind you this is a company with … Read More

Analyzing Recent COVID Data

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Vaccination68 Comments

According to data from Johns Hopkins University freely available online, roughly 75% of deaths in the United States occurred in patients 65 years or older. Now you might say, oh well that’s not that surprising because the elderly are the most vulnerable. However when taken with previously found data that about HALF of all COVID deaths have been in nursing … Read More

Update to employees in Alabama!

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Vaccination73 Comments

So normally I don’t send out emails consecutive days, however there was a quick change of events that needs update. I sent out the last post based on the most up to date details, however the morning it went out the news broke that OSHA was convinced to back Biden’s executive order as well as them announcing they would now … Read More

Vaccine Turbulence

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Mental, Vaccination59 Comments

There’s been a lot of very interesting things to come about in the last few weeks, I’ll catch you up on just a few. First of all I’m sure you’ve seen the news articles saying Pfizer got full FDA approval. Well not surprisingly it’s a twist in truth with the general unknowing public being the usual victims of complacency. Turns … Read More

Who’s “misinformation”?

Dr. Michael BucknellMedicine, Vaccination33 Comments

The desperation is getting more fierce as the degree of public mistrust and lack of “compliance” gets clearer and clearer. From July 4th when Biden originally set the 70% vaccinated target, to July 26th over half a month later, the percentage has barely moved up just 0.9% to just 55.8% of the population getting even the first shot (only 49.1% … Read More

Must be nice…

Dr. Michael BucknellChiropractic, Liberation Newsletter, Vaccination43 Comments

One thing I’m sure you’re aware of is that those who hunger for power and control are not satisfied until they have it. So where does this all go from here? You may have already seen the “shift” in rhetoric over the last few weeks. “News” articles are replicating left and right with the same idea that the non-vaccinated are … Read More

Far from over…

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Vaccination80 Comments

One thing I’m sure you’re aware of is that those who hunger for power and control are not satisfied until they have it. So where does this all go from here? You may have already seen the “shift” in rhetoric over the last week. “News” articles are replicating left and right with the same idea that the non-vaccinated are susceptible … Read More

Why the saga continues…

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Vaccination30 Comments

I was on the phone with my dad in Indianapolis and he asked “Hey, did you hear Dr. Fauci’s latest summer guidance? He says that if you wear two bathing suits it’s safe to pee in the pool.” Honestly though, how is it that the “pandemic” is officially over by definition of what a pandemic is, yet we’re still talking … Read More