I was on the phone with my dad in Indianapolis and he asked “Hey, did you hear Dr. Fauci’s latest summer guidance? He says that if you wear two bathing suits it’s safe to pee in the pool.â€
Honestly though, how is it that the “pandemic” is officially over by definition of what a pandemic is, yet we’re still talking about it (it was over a long time ago honestly, but Daily New Cases have dropped from over 200,000 per day in January to less than 8,000 per day while Daily Deaths have dropped from over 4,000 per day in February to now average a couple hundred a day)? In Florida you’ve got Governor DeSantis taking on some cruise lines who have said they will require guests to be fully vaccinated in order to sail despite the Governors ban on vaccine passports. Alabama also just passed a ban on vaccine passports, which if you haven’t considered means they can add whatever they want once in place to the point you won’t be able to buy or sell without “taking the mark†(Revelation 13:17 come to mind?). Elsewhere in Florida, promoter Paul Williams is under fire as should be for charging vaccinated patrons just $18 for tickets, while unvaccinated fans are charged a “No Vax Tax†taking their tickets to a ridiculous $999.
Now I’ll be completely honest, I knew some ten years ago this was coming and if you’ve been around long enough was talking about this coming medical/political agenda back during Swine Flu (also here and here), Bird Flu, Ebola, regular Flu seasons, and Measles. But I am actually SURPRISED at the amount of pushback we’re seeing. While it’s been easy to feel like you’re a lone voice not making a difference, we can look around now and see patients from long past fighting and voicing out, statistics like Alabama and Mississippi being the lowest uptake of the vaccine in the U.S., etc and can’t help but feel we may have had “a little†to do with it. Never bought anyone, never paid anyone, never made a dollar off someone NOT taking a vaccine, just educating people one by one by one (and sometimes in large groups and on TV).
All of this aside here’s the FACT. As of today, June 8th 2021 only 51.7% of the U.S. population has had even the first dose of this vaccine. In Mobile county alone, only 126,052 have taken the first dose which is far less than half the population. All across the U.S. the rate of people showing up to get the vaccine have fallen off a cliff causing panic to the point even Pres. Biden is planting a stake at only 70% of the population (which I don’t think they’ll get close to any more than when they said 2.6 Million people would die first year of it).
I’ll repeat again to drill it home. Experts have said for DECADES that vaccines can only cause “herd immunity†when some 95% or more of the population are immunized. So the vaccine didn’t do it, NATURE DID. – Dr. Mike Bucknell
Curves don’t lie

Take a good look at this chart I put together loosely. Based on data I’ve kept over time I was able to chart some basic data on the percentage of Americas fully vaccinated over time as reported in the news. The first vaccine was given on December 14th registering as 0% of the US population. Then just under 10% on March 15th, 20% on April 8th, 35% on May 9th, and finally 42% on June 6th. To fill in the space I plotted additionally approximately every ten days. By connecting them using a bell curve it gives us a good idea of the trajectory moving forward.
What do you see? Do you see a continuing upward trend? Based on the current trend line, will it ever reach even 60% let alone the 70% mark that Biden is calling the goal? I’m still honestly stunned that they’ve publicly acknowledged they expect 30% of the population NOT to follow suit, that’s incredible in itself! But even if it is to get to 60 or 70%, based on the above trajectory you can see those marks are not to be hit any time soon. The pandemic meanwhile is already OVER, with the number of Daily New Cases and Daily Deaths at their lowest point since early April of 2020 (when they started tracking it). So what is the motivator to get this other 20-30% of the population to go out and get vaccinated? I don’t mean lotteries, gift cards, free guns, or “joints for jabs” as some places are doing. What is the motivation to get the vaccine at this point itself? They know they can’t get 30% or so of the population, but they are counting on this other 10-20% who thus far while the pandemic was still going on still chose to wait. Now that waiting seems to have panned out ok for them, aside from bribes there is no motivation left. Unless…
When bribes fail, policy often steps in. Vaccine passports, requirements for travel and activities, requirements by certain employers who feel they have that right over your health choices. These are the last ditch efforts that will be thrown in when all else fails. Luckily we’re seeing many states like here in Alabama who have already banned such things like vaccine passports. The fight will go on though unfortunately so long as those who are in line for profits (politicians on Big Pharma’s payroll) are making the calls. – Dr. Mike Bucknell
What do you do if your employer says you must get vaccine to keep your job
Here’s a resource of editable letters to submit to your employer should they overstep your legal boundaries in requiring the COVID vaccine for employment CLICK HERE
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