The Keto Diet Explained: Part 2

Dr. Michael BucknellNutrition1 Comment

What Do I Eat on the Keto Diet? In this workshop, THE KETO DIET EXPLAINED – Health Fad, Fraud or Sustainable Diet Plan?, Dr. Mike Bucknell of  Liberation Chiropractic & Wellness in Mobile, Alabama discusses the current popularity of the Ketogenic (or Keto) Diet.  Is it a fad, a trend, or is it the diet to end all diets?  This … Read More

The Keto Diet Explained: Part I

Dr. Michael BucknellNutritionLeave a Comment

What Is the Keto Diet? In this workshop, THE KETO DIET EXPLAINED – Health Fad, Fraud or Sustainable Diet Plan?,Dr. Mike Bucknell of  Liberation Chiropractic & Wellness in Mobile, Alabama discusses the current popularity of the Ketogenic (or Keto) Diet.  Is it a fad, a trend, or is it the diet to end all diets? This post is a supplement … Read More

Let’s “Prevent” the Flu this year

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, SunlightLeave a Comment

Flu “season” is almost upon us (October to March every year) and with it comes an uncertainty of how best to prevent it from spreading to ourselves and family members. The usual media hype and promotion of the flu shot has already begun. The term “influenza” is thought by some researchers to have originated from the Italian phrase “influenza di … Read More

Are you ready to give up your rights?

Dr. Michael BucknellDetoxification, GMO's, Liberation Newsletter, Medicine, VaccinationLeave a Comment

Thursday June 13th the governor of New York signed a bill to end religious exemptions from vaccines, violating their own state constitution “No person shall be denied equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof. No person shall, because of race, color, creed, or religion, be subjected to any discrimination in his or her civil rights … Read More

Vaccination is a Religion

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, VaccinationLeave a Comment

Surprising the term Vaxist is already listed in Urban Dictionary as “Someone who believes vaccines are good and believes the pro-disease people should quit getting their Google degrees to try and prove a point that has been debunked.”  I can’t argue with this definition, though I think it requires a great deal of expansion.   Let’s start with a foundational question. … Read More

7 Adjustments for an Ideal Driving Posture

Dr. Michael BucknellUncategorizedLeave a Comment

I was sent this graphic by someone connected with Koby Suburu and thought it’s quite useful. So we’re passing it on to you. Most of us spend a lot of time in the car. From my experience with patients complaining of back pain when driving, they really have not thought thoroughly about how the seat is supposed to be positioned. … Read More

Your Medical Freedom Is In Jeopardy Regardless of Your Stance

Dr. Michael BucknellChildren's Health, Liberation Newsletter, VaccinationLeave a Comment

Surely you have seen Measles all over the news as if it’s the worst health disaster to strike in decades. Headlines like “Child Defies Parents Getting Immunized”. Let’s first quickly review a few important facts: According the CDC, there have been 206 cases reported in 2019 We have the technology to test and identify if Measles is wild virus … Read More

Health is a Habit, not an Achievement

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, MentalLeave a Comment

How do you break a habit?  Distraction.  Close off time.  Shift priorities.  Attention to purpose, and ideals.   Why are so few people healthy, really healthy, and for life (unlike short term crash diets or boot camps)?  Because health is a habit, not a short term target.  The same rules for breaking a bad habit apply to creating a good … Read More

A Role Reversal in Healthcare?

Dr. Michael BucknellChiropractic, Liberation NewsletterLeave a Comment

Is there a role reversal in healthcare on the horizon? A very curious thing has been happening in healthcare over the past few years, but you have to go back 30 years or so to really appreciate the trend.  When I was a kid back in the 80’s GP’s (General Practitioner Medical Doctors) were a common thing.  Many GP’s were … Read More

Easiest Weight Loss Breakthrough Ever

Dr. Michael BucknellDetoxification, Liberation Newsletter, SunlightLeave a Comment

EASIEST WEIGHT LOSS BREAKTHROUGH EVER Talking about “easy” weight loss is almost faux pas these days.  I certainly never thought I’d be talking about it.  But, technology is bound to bring wonderful advancements and this certainly is one of them.  Lipo Laser is quickly gaining popularity in the hot world of weight loss, and rightly so.  The days of poking … Read More