Ready for some change?

Dr. Michael BucknellChiropractic, Liberation Newsletter, Mental64 Comments

I hope, like me, you chuckled a bit when reading that question. I know the majority of people I talk to aren’t exactly “content” with where things are right now. All the outside influences at play are rightfully distressing. The economy, politics, special interests, wars and commentary, rampant corruption, it’s all in your face (and in your pocket) in dizzying … Read More

Vaccine Turbulence

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Mental, Vaccination45 Comments

There’s been a lot of very interesting things to come about in the last few weeks, I’ll catch you up on just a few. First of all I’m sure you’ve seen the news articles saying Pfizer got full FDA approval. Well not surprisingly it’s a twist in truth with the general unknowing public being the usual victims of complacency. Turns … Read More

Health is a Habit, not an Achievement

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, MentalLeave a Comment

How do you break a habit?  Distraction.  Close off time.  Shift priorities.  Attention to purpose, and ideals.   Why are so few people healthy, really healthy, and for life (unlike short term crash diets or boot camps)?  Because health is a habit, not a short term target.  The same rules for breaking a bad habit apply to creating a good … Read More

Social Media Whac-A-Mole

Dr. Michael BucknellEducation Center, Liberation Newsletter, MentalLeave a Comment

I wrote this article on Facebook probably a year ago or more.  In a recent “discussion” regarding an undisclosed highly debated topic on Facebook, I found myself in the midst once again of the characters portrayed.  So for your reading enjoyment and to now forever be searchable on my website….enjoy. SOCIAL MEDIA WHAC-A-MOLE You know the game. Your objective is to smash … Read More

FOCUS: Achieving greater mental focus without medications

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, MentalLeave a Comment

Quick note for readers living on the Gulf Coast to let you know about a special event next Monday night January 18th.  Kelly Eubanks, intern graduating with her Doctorate of Chiropractic in March, is teaching a workshop on “FOCUS: Achieving greater mental focus from childhood to later life without neurologically damaging medications.”  If you or your children are taking medications … Read More


Dr. Michael BucknellEducation Center, Liberation, MentalLeave a Comment

StressLess A supplement to the workshop held at Liberation Chiropractic  in July, 2015. You can view the workshop in it’s entirety on Dr. Mike Bucknell’s Youtube Channel In this workshop Dr. Mike Bucknell will transform the way you see stress. You will see it in a way you’ve never done before. We are in a culture where stress is to … Read More


Dr. Michael BucknellEducation Center, Hydration, Liberation, Mental, Nutrition, Respiration, Sunlight2 Comments

This is the followup event to the DEAFiciency workshop where Dr. Bucknell uncovers the most widespread deficiencies today. In this event heexpands on the maintenance diets and protocols to ensure you and your family don’t fall into these categories which are the underlying and undeniably intentfull reasons behind much chronic illness we see today.You can watch the DEAFiciencies FULLFILLED workshop on … Read More