Liberation from Neck Pain

Dr. Michael BucknellChiropractic, Education Center, Liberation, PhysicalLeave a Comment

This is a supplement to the workshop presented by Michael Bucknell D.C., B.S of Liberation Chiropractic in Mobile, Alabama. He discusses the most common causes of neck pain, how we differentiate between the various causes, what not to do when treating and why, and what to do for the fastest resolution and why. If you have neck pain, this will help you … Read More

Raising Healthy Kids from Conception : Part 3 – Circumcision

Dr. Michael BucknellChildren's Health, Detoxification, Education Center, Liberation, Physical1 Comment

The Holistic Parents Guide to Raising Kids in the 21st Century This post is a supplement to the workshop published on May 23, 2014 by Dr. Mike Bucknell and can be found on his YouTube channel at Due to the quantity of information it has been separated into three parts.   Raising Healthy Kids from Conception : Part 1 – Chiropractic, nutrition, … Read More


Dr. Michael BucknellEducation Center, Hydration, Liberation, Mental, Nutrition, Respiration, Sunlight2 Comments

This is the followup event to the DEAFiciency workshop where Dr. Bucknell uncovers the most widespread deficiencies today. In this event heexpands on the maintenance diets and protocols to ensure you and your family don’t fall into these categories which are the underlying and undeniably intentfull reasons behind much chronic illness we see today.You can watch the DEAFiciencies FULLFILLED workshop on … Read More

DEAFicient – Part 3 : Iodine

Dr. Michael BucknellEducation Center, NutritionLeave a Comment

Within this three part blog post are the areas where many American’s are deficient. This post is a supplement to the workshop from Liberation Chiropractic & Wellness in Mobile Alabama. Within we discuss historical backgrounds, big industry involvement, identification, and treatment protocols. To watch the complete workshop in it’s entirety please visit DEAFicient: Iodine, Omega 3, Vitamin D3, and the … Read More

DEAFicient – Part 2 : Omega 3

Dr. Michael BucknellEducation Center, NutritionLeave a Comment

Within this three part blog post are the areas where many American’s are deficient. This post is a supplement to the workshop from Liberation Chiropractic & Wellness in Mobile Alabama. Within we discuss historical backgrounds, big industry involvement, identification, and treatment protocols. To watch the complete workshop in it’s entirety please visit DEAFicient: Iodine, Omega 3, Vitamin D3, and the … Read More

DEAFicient – Part 1 : Vitamin D

Dr. Michael BucknellEducation Center, Nutrition, SunlightLeave a Comment

Within this three part blog post are the areas where many American’s are deficient. This post is a supplement to the workshop from Liberation Chiropractic & Wellness in Mobile Alabama. Within we discuss historical backgrounds, big industry involvement, identification, and treatment protocols. To watch the complete workshop in it’s entirety please visit DEAFicient: Iodine, Omega 3, Vitamin D3, and the … Read More