Excited to share our BIG Announcement

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation, Liberation NewsletterLeave a Comment

The BIG Announcement! It is with great excitement that we announce we are moving locations after acquiring 1.65 acres of land just two blocks from our current office at the southwest corner of Old Shell and Alverson road! We have been planning this for nearly a year working on an almost impossible situation with almost a dozen different owners, rezoning … Read More

Things that matter…and the Eclipse

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, SunlightLeave a Comment

America went crazy about the moon passing in front of the sun.  Cool yes, but think about it.  With all the things that are going on in the world, the energy committed to a Solar Eclipse is, well, interesting to say the least.  Imagine if things of real value got that kind of attention?  There are so many noble things … Read More

Battle of the Bulge

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Medicine, VaccinationLeave a Comment

Battle of the Bulge You see it everywhere today, round pendulous abdomens protruding as if pregnant.  Have you wondered why?  You’ll be surprised to find out that there are greases, oils, and fats on most peoples plates every day the human body simply can not digest.  The research is clear, the #1 predictor of a future heart attack or stroke … Read More

What they’re not telling you about Cancer.

Dr. Michael BucknellDetoxification, Education Center, Liberation, Liberation Newsletter, Medicine, NutritionLeave a Comment

In case you missed it, this months workshop I opened up what my sister, an ex-Pharmacist, went through to treat thyroid cancer (notice I didn’t say “her” thyroid cancer).  I’ll tell you now so you don’t disregard and miss it, she did NOT do traditional chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery as was recommended by her oncologists of course.  She had … Read More

Life is fragile, and health is not an accident

Dr. Kelly EubanksUncategorizedLeave a Comment

I recently had two very good friends of mine have parents undergo tragedy. They are very different scenarios. On one hand there was a freak accident, on the other a lifestyle related incident. They both survived, and their healing processes will be very different. In one case there is someone healthy and fit, and his health choices will probably save … Read More

Social Media Whac-A-Mole

Dr. Michael BucknellEducation Center, Liberation Newsletter, MentalLeave a Comment

I wrote this article on Facebook probably a year ago or more.  In a recent “discussion” regarding an undisclosed highly debated topic on Facebook, I found myself in the midst once again of the characters portrayed.  So for your reading enjoyment and to now forever be searchable on my website….enjoy. SOCIAL MEDIA WHAC-A-MOLE You know the game. Your objective is to smash … Read More

How NOT to get screwed in a car wreck – Part 2

Dr. Michael BucknellChiropractic, Education Center, Liberation Newsletter, PhysicalLeave a Comment

In the last blog post (yeah it’s been a few months) I went through the common mistakes people make after getting hit.  If you haven’t read that and have recently been in one you should revisit HERE.  Now I’m going to give you the immediate action steps to take after a collision. 1.  Most people decide what they will do … Read More

How NOT to get screwed in a car wreck – Part 1

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, Physical1 Comment

Maybe you haven’t had a car wreck recently, or ever, but take note anyways because when you do you’ll want to know what to do!  First off, here are some of the common mistaken assumptions most people make: “It was just a fender bender so I must be fine.” TRUTH:  Studies show you can injure muscles, tendons, and sometimes ligaments … Read More

FOCUS: Achieving greater mental focus without medications

Dr. Michael BucknellLiberation Newsletter, MentalLeave a Comment

Quick note for readers living on the Gulf Coast to let you know about a special event next Monday night January 18th.  Kelly Eubanks, intern graduating with her Doctorate of Chiropractic in March, is teaching a workshop on “FOCUS: Achieving greater mental focus from childhood to later life without neurologically damaging medications.”  If you or your children are taking medications … Read More